Saturday, March 21, 2009

Back in Action!

Okay, sooo sorry for the latest delay in vacation photo updates. However, this time it was TOTALLY not my fault. My computer went on the fritz and refused to start, so it had to go in for some repairs. Now that I have it back, you are returned to your regular viewing of additional vacation pictures. (Stay tuned for pics of the new apartment in the next few weeks too!!! One week until the move).

Our first Maui beautiful, so calming:

We stayed with Alexis and Steven (Andy's sister and her husband) and we were lucky enough to visit while they were house sitting for their friend Tony. So this was the beautiful place we got to call home for the time we were out there:

Lexi and Steven were also nice enough to let us borrow their car while we were out there, so we didn't even need to rent one! And BONUS, it even came with a cute furry tour guide. No, not Andy...the little stuffed orangutan:

There are random wild chickens all over the island. Andy really got a kick out of them and I think he seriously wanted to try and catch one while we were there. He settled for seeing a kid on a skateboard who had caught one and was holding it, while skateboarding, and had it on a leash. It was one of the funniest things we'd seen in a long time!

Here is Scruffy, one of Tony's dogs. I absolutely fell in love with him while we were out there and tried to convince everyone that Tony wouldn't really mind if I just took him home with us. Sadly they disagreed with me and I had to leave him behind: