Monday, January 15, 2007

Bronson Arroyo ROCKS...and so does my mom!

Last night was sooooo much fun! My mom and I went to the Bronson Arroyo show in Concord, NH. I bought her two tickets for x-mas and she asked me to go with her (after my dad declined--hehehe, thanks Daddy). For those of you that don't know him, Bronson used to be a pitcher for the Boston Redsox, but was traded to the Cincinnati Reds last season. He's also a singer and plays the guitar, and is now touring with a band from Cincinnati. The show was awesome and we even got to have our pictures taken with him and get his autograph.

The opening singer was a guy named Chad Perrone, who was also unbeliveably talented. He's an acoustic guitar player with a powerful voice and a number of beautiful love songs! I couldn't find him on itunes, but you can check out his website here and his myspace page here. I got to talk to him and purchased his cd, it is definitely worth a listen.

Okay, that's it for now. Home on a "snowday" from work, so I should get some organizing done!

1 comment:

Red Sox Lover said...

You are right, Stace, Bronson totally rocks and so does your trimmer mom. I had a FABULOUS time spending the day with you and Dad just would not have had as much fun so I'm glad he passed the opportunity to you. The tickets were a GREAT Christmas gift along with the gorgeous outfit that I will wear to that dinner Saturday night. Thank-you soooo much for both. I love you!!!! Ugga-Muggas.