Monday, May 7, 2007

Counting Points

Here is a fun little points notebook that I made for my mom a few weeks ago. She is doing Weight Watchers and I wanted her to have a "fun" notebook to keep track of her points in. I've been thinking about returning to the points system myself the past few weeks. I lost about 10 pounds last fall when doing Weight Watchers, but then I stopped when the meetings stopped at my work. I really need to jump start my system because vacation is only two months away!

John and I did get in a quick workout at the gym tonight and we had a great salad with dinner too, so that is a start. We're trying to have salad every night with dinner. John isn't one for veggies so he's not so excited about this plan, but he's being a good sport about it. Okay, not much else to report on tonight. Hope everyone remembers to go vote for an A Muse Mother's Day card by Tuesday at midnight...see the post from a few days ago!


Unknown said...

Hey,Baby. Thanks, again for my cool points notebook. I get to start using it in another few days as the boring one that I have been using will be all filled up. Love you! Ugga-Muggas.XOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOX
PS: Hannah just wanted to know what time the fam would be back on Wednesday so she would know whether to feed Winnie or not.

Brian P. said...

Is the paper you used on the cover from American Traditional? Looks familiar to me...