Saturday, June 2, 2007

Great News...but More Testing Still to Come

I received great news about my MRI came back totally NORMAL! Yippee, Hurray! But the bad news is, they still aren't quite sure what is going on. I saw my primary care doctor and she recommended some additional blood testing, thyroid testing, and an ultrasound of my carotid artery. She also thought it was a good idea to go ahead with a lumbar puncture (aka spinal tap) to check my spinal fluid and pressure. She also sent me to an opthamologist for further eye testing. The opthamologist put us at ease after his report. He thinks that my symptoms on the optic nerve are caused by calcifications called drusen. These are not harmful, but do present the same signs and signals that the increased cranial pressure presents. They are thought to be making my optic nerves look swollen, when in reality, they might be just fine. That coupled with the fact that I am among the minority that have protruding optic nerves and consistent headaches, there is still a slight concern that the pressure is too high, so he agreed that I should have the spinal tap as a precaution.

So, what does all this mean? More testing, more appointments and more questions...but, less fear and a sense of calm for those around me who have been worried. I'll have more vision testing done on Monday and then the spinal tap and visit with the neurologist on Tuesday. I'll keep you all posted as the results come in. Thank you for all the love and support the past two weeks! It has been a bit nerve wracking and scary at times, but knowing how blessed I am in this life to be surrounded by such wonderful souls is all I need to know that "every little thing is going to be alright."


Cori Bravo said...

OMGosh you poor thing. I am so glad that things are looking a-ok now, but I'm sure the spinal tap won't be fun. I just found your blog through the AMPA link...great blog!

((hugs)) to you.

Anonymous said...
