Friday, March 28, 2008

WOW...Crazy Busy!

And by busy, I don't just mean your run of the mill, stuff going on busy...I mean your leave the house by 8am (some mornings 6:30 or 7) and don't get home until 9 or 10pm busy!

I'm thinking it might be time to cut back on some committees or saying "no thanks" to last minute invitations. I've been doing really well with that part of my new year's resolution I suppose...I've been saying yes to pretty much any opportunity that comes along. It has been really fun and I'm glad I'm doing it, but it sure has been exhausting!

So, with all that being said, here's what I've been up to:

- Shopping at the Banana Republic outlet store with Joanne (love their new colors for Spring), followed by dinner with Joanne and Ryan...delicious!

- Indoor rock/wall climb adventure with my friend Chris at a great place in Manchester called Vertical Dreams

- Snowboarding at Mt.Sunapee with my new board...LOVE IT (also hurt myself a little at the end of the day, oopsie!)

- Easter with Mom and Dad

- NH Creative Club meeting that was really inspirational and got my creative juices flowing again and sparking my interest in more interactive design programs

- Movie with my friend Tim...we rented August Rush on On Demand and it was really cute...lots of great music in it

- Concord Young Professionals Meetings and social committee meetings

- Super fun A Muse card class with my favorite Miss Jenn at the Paper Tree!

- Weekly workout with Kevin...I'm up to 200lbs on the leg press...go me!

- Signed up for a 5K next weekend to see how much work I need to do before May, hoping that will help me stop making excuses and force me to be more committed to my new running routine.

- Yoga Classes

- Night out with the crew on Friday night...even Ashley and Brie joined in on the fun

- Military formal with Tim last night...super fun to get all dolled up for the night, I'll share pictures of my dress soon.

Well, that about rounds it out. I'm sure there were more things mixed in there, but it's all a blur. Planning a more relaxing week this week, we'll see if it actually happens.


Anonymous said...

You ARE a busy girl!! :)

Anonymous said...

i dont see where the busy can fit in ;)