Monday, June 25, 2007

I'm Back!

...For a few days anyway. I ended up in ATL for an extra night last week, then off to CT for Father's Day weekend with John's family. A VERY busy week at work and then off to my parent's house for the weekend to celebrate Father's Day with my family. John was able to come join us Saturday night for a nice dinner out. I have today off to get a ton of errands done, but of course I've been procrastinating. And, I've been having a bit of a battle this morning with our uninvited house guest...the infamous mouse. We still haven't been able to catch the little (well, not so little) bugger! He has been taunting me all morning as I try to get the apartment cleaned up. Everytime I set foot into the kitchen he peers his little head out, runs from the sink behind the fridge, and even walked over the mouse trap at one point. YUCK! It's really creeping me out today and making me quite CRANKY! Any tips on how to catch a mouse??? I'm all ears.

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