Friday, June 8, 2007


This is what I call the "Where Is Stacy Hiding?" Blog! I know it also means, I WISH she were here writing to me, because I SOOOOO Love her wonderful stories and photos, right? Hehehe. I'm just kidding...I know it does seem like I've been hiding out lately and haven't been a very good blogger either, but I promise, after this next week, I should be back in online action. It's just been one crazy week with more appointments and tests. Then getting ready for my big trip to Atlanta this week for the HOW design conference. I'm soooo excited about this trip. Just wish my lovey could join me, but we were lucky to both get vacation time in July, so I can't complain.

All the news from the testing has been coming back perfectly NORMAL!!! Whoo Hooo. Long story short, I have rare optic nerves that are indeed protruding, but they are not swollen and there is no trouble with pressure or spinal fluid either. I do have calcifications on my eyes that were causing all the same symptoms, but although being unique, and scaring everyone half to death, I'm A O.K. The spinal tap wasn't too bad, but I've been working long days since I had the procedure done and that was NOT a good idea. Who knew sitting at a computer for 9.5 hours a day would make your back sore? But I'm resting tonight, going out to dinner with Johnny and then locking myself in the bedroom to get packed! We're off to the airport at 4:30 tomorrow morning. YUCK!

I won't have my computer with me in ATL, but I'll be sure to take lots of pictures and be ready with a full report when I get back next week. Other highlights from this week: My dad's birthday, helping get my parent's sailboat in the water (I think we've made a pretty good tradition of doing this in the rain the past few years...LOL), finished off the painting in the bedroom with Johnny (It looks awesome and I'll be putting the new bedding on next weekend so look for updated pictures), ordered curtain fabric for the kitchen (My friend Jeni is going to help me learn to sew and make excited), making 40 CD mixes and labels for a CD trade during the conference (one of my printers helped me with the printing, cutting, duplication and labels. I only had to create the initial mix and design the look. They are AWESOME and I can't wait to trade them), finished my Artist Trading Cards for an A*Muse*a*palooza trade (already got the other ones in the mail and they were fun), started a few crafty projects that will be posted about later on (I know I say that a lot and don't always post later, but it's usually because I still haven't finished anything I started! HA! Everything I do seems to be a work in progress), got some new A Muse stamps during their birthday sale for other projects I have in my head and did all the other daily stuff that I'm usually up to! See, I told you I've been busy! Okay, we're off to dinner...have a great weekend everyone!

Photo courtesy of a cool artist I found on


Anonymous said...

Great news that all in OK I'm sure everyone is mightly pleased. Enjoy your trip. Hope to see you at CC in the near future

Anonymous said...

so glad that everything is ok..
i'm soooo *jealous* about you going to HOW without me :( have a blast!!!!!
im on my way out the door... to see dawn and mitchell, then dads day with jimbo.. then a few days with jos and melys......

THEN the crazy move!!! YIKES!!!