Sunday, March 16, 2008

One Out of Two Isn't Bad

So, I decided that this weekend would turn into "MOVIE WEEKEND" when I realized that I wasn't much in the mood for going out afterall. So, Saturday during the day I rented the Darjeeling Limited because I had heard pretty good things about it. Mind you, it is a film about three brothers traveling through India on a train in the hopes of reconnecting and sharing a spiritual journey, but I still thought it was worth a whirl. Maybe it was just me, or my mood today, but I DID NOT GET IT! I have no clue what all the hype was about. Just a strange journey that took up almost two hours of my day today. I do not recommend.

But, on a much brighter note...I ended up finally going to see Juno tonight. I LOVED IT! It was witty, sarcastic, funny, touching and all around a good movie. And, I even ended up seeing it by myself. I seriously think this is the first time that I have gone to see a movie at the theater by myself. I have said a bunch of times that I was just going to go, but never actually ended up making it in the end. I have to admit, it really wasn't bad at all. I think I'm going to do it more often even. It's kind of like your own little world for two hours. With no one knowing where you are or what you're doing. Which doesn't really seem like a big deal, but I really liked the idea of it anyway. And, one of the best take-away lines of the movie/night is a line said by Juno's dad when she asks him about if there really is true love and he responds...“The best thing you can do is to find someone who loves you for exactly what YOU are.” Yup, so good and sooooo true!

So, boring post as it may be...that is my weekend movie update! Consider yourself informed.


Doctor of Manliness said...

I had a similar weekend

Unknown said...

I liked Juno too.

Anonymous said...

I'd dying to see Juno!!

And I totally hear what you mean about "not getting" a movie. I felt the same way about Little Miss Sunshine, AND Michael Clayton... Totally didnt get the hype...