Friday, January 12, 2007

Serendipity- A new adventure!

Hello everyone,
I finally decided to try my keypad at starting a blog. I wanted a way to capture my "everyday" in a simple, but special way. To reflect on the things in life that seem to pass us by so easily, but mean so much about who we are and who we become. I have found over the past year that my other friends who have blogs, and those blogs of friends I have yet to meet, have inspired me numerous times while reading their thoughts. I'm hoping that I can inspire myself and others by reflecting on my day-to-day activities in an entirely new and different way. I love the idea of serendipity...that everything in life happens in a mysterious way,
"by chance," but in a destiny kind of way. I know it sounds hokie, but just go with me on this one. How many times do you look at your life and say, "I never knew this is where I'd be, but this is exactly where I'm supposed to be."

I'll be back soon to post some that I'm the proud new owner of a snazzy camera. Still learning how to use it, but hoping to have some fun shots to share soon.

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