Thursday, May 17, 2007

I've Been Busy!

Yikes, it has been Waaaay to long since I posted last. Here's what I've been up to and what is coming up, in no particular order:

1. Going with John to buy his new car (he was VERY excited and I have pictures to post soon).
2. Going hiking with my parents on Mother's Day (also have super cute photos to post, but haven't downloaded them yet).
3. Crazy busy with work and got to see a really great presentation by Lisa Cyr that NH Creative Club hosted (she has a number of books about promotions and graphic design, it was very inspiring).
4. Still learning tons at my camera class...this week was color and metering, so I'll be getting on that assignment this weekend.
5. Had the day off today, so I got my hair cut and highlighted and did a little shopping for fun! I'll have to take some pictures when I wear my cute new duds to share with you all!
6. Came home to clean the apartment and made my first successful banana turned out soooo yummy! Johnny thought it was really good too.
7. Hanging out with Jenn and Melissa tomorrow and Saturday for CKC in Manchester! Dinner tomorrow night and vendor fair on Saturday.
8. Going to Carrie's BBQ Saturday afternoon/evening....oh boy, we'll meet some new friends!
9. Getting a ton of cards done this weekend (I have a lot to finish)!
10. Last but not least, I'll be at the laundromat on Sunday...YUCK, I waited too long this time so I'll be there for a while.

Happy Thursday!

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