Friday, May 25, 2007

New Specs and More

That's me in my new specs from LensCrafters. I think they are cute and spunky, just like me! They are just for being on the computer and reading, so I don't have to wear them all the time, but I sure got a ton of nice comments on them when I was wearing them at work today. They are also the reason that I haven't really been posting a lot this week...

I got a little more than I had planned on when I went to the optometrist this week. Being the famous procrastinator that I am, I hadn't gone to the eye doctors in over six years, WHOOPS! While performing the standard eye tests, the doctor found that I have swollen/protruding optic nerves. She described it to me like belly buttons, "most people have innies and only some have outies. And your optic nerves are like outies, but different from belly buttons, this is a bit concerning." After asking me some questions about the amount and severity of the headaches I have, they grew more concerned. I have always had a pretty consistent run of headaches and they are often quite severe. I have always assumed they are due to my work being computer based all day, a stress-filled job and long drives in the dark that put strain on my eyes.

Next, they did some additonal tests and a retinal scan test which shows your internal eye on a computer screen (very cool to see). It was so weird, as I had just seen a test like this explained on Good Morning America last week. Anyway, she told me she didn't want to scare me, but that she had to call my primary care provider and send me to have an MRI done as soon as possible. It turns out that the swelling can be caused by excessive cerebral spinal fluid, putting pressure on the eyes from the brain. They need to perform the MRI to see if this is the case, and if so, see if they can determine why this is happening. So, I'm not sharing this to scare anyone, but since I know a lot of you "catch up with me" through my blog, I wanted to make sure everyone knew what was going on, at least what we know at this point. I am having the MRI done tomorrow and I have an appointment with my doctor next Friday, then I have another optometry visit the Monday after that. We should know something more by next week and I'll be sure to post as soon as I have more details.

Please don't worry about me, but keep me and my family in your thoughts and prayers. It's a little scary, but I'm DOING JUST FINE! I promise! I feel badly that my parents, my sister and John are so worried about me, but it is great to know what a wonderful support system and love I have in my life. I'll update the blog as soon as I know more.


Anonymous said...

i left you a msg tonight on your cell... love you hun!!

Anonymous said...

Know what I think?? I think you just have bionic eyes. (hey, it would be a cool story to tell, doncha think???)

Seriously, though... I'll keep you (and your bionic eyes) in my thoughts and prayers.

Aleesh said...

Don't worry sis--I'm not too worried about you. Just jealous you get to ride in the crazy x-ray tube. Maybe you can tell them that closed spaces make you nervous and they can give you some 'happy pills'. :) love you.

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear about your wows and will definitely be thinking and praying for you over the next few days. EJ