Thursday, May 10, 2007

Playing Catch Up!

So A Muse added the links to all the people in the running for the A*MUSE*A*PALOOZA Ambassador contest that have blogs or online galleries and there is some STRONG competition! After reviewing some of the sites, I fear I'm falling behind in points, so I will have to get cracking on taking pictures on some of my most recent card creations. I even signed up to join another person's ATC swap today, at the direction of the nearly famous Miss Jenn, because I hadn't read the notes from A Muse that this was an additional way to gain points!!! Oopsie! Oh well, it's all in good fun and it's always nice to have that added push to make a fun new card. If you haven't registered yet, be sure to do so (and tell them I sent you)...and I'm going to start in on the challenges this week too, so come join in the fun! Here is another card using the cute Seattle girl that I did during my weekend on the cape. I just love how her raincoat and umbrella are matching thanks to some fun patterned paper! Enjoy!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi - Itried to sign up and got error something about cookies but I'm at work so I don't want to mess with the settings, I'll try at home.