Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Busy Snugglin'

Sorry that I've been missing for a little bit, I didn't mean to leave you all wondering about me. It has been a whirlwind of a week around here. Johnny has been here since Friday and we've been relaxing and having fun.

Friday night we went out to the Barley House for a nice dinner, and came across a band called "Duty Free" that we hung around for after we ate. It turns out I used to be friends with the drummer back in college. It was so funny to think I recognized him on the poster and then find out it really was him. We talked with them during the night, had some drinks, danced some dances. All in all, a very fun night.

On Saturday we relaxed, as the few drinks I had were actually a few too many and I wasn't feeling so hot. Later in the afternoon I was feeling better and we went to have dinner with Mom and Dad. So much fun to hang out and have delicious AND healthy food.

Sunday was a lazy day...we were going to go sledding across the street, but ended up in pjs all day hanging out and organizing some old files of bills and such.

Monday we had the day off for President's Day, but it was packed with plans. Had an awesome time shopping with my Mom (I'll post pics of the cute clothes later). I'll expand on that story later this week, I promise...funny stuff! Monday night Joanne and I headed to Boston for an InDesign User Group Meeting. Fun time, but not what we expected...a little disappointed that we spent our night there.

Tuesday back to work and then had friends over to make some cards that evening.

AND today, work again, lovely dinner with my honey (who had a job interview in Woburn, MA today - Keep your fingers crossed so he can move up here) and now off to do some more snugglin' before he heads back to CT tomorrow. Goodnight everyone! HUGS!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

great recap stacy :) youve been busy busy :)
