Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Goodies and Treats!

Today was such a fun day. I recieved my new web cam in the mail on Monday when I was home sick (I had it sent to my work, since I wasn't sure if it would need to be signed for) and then I forgot it at my work yesterday, so I still hadn't gotten a chance to try it out yet...until TODAY! So the new web cam is my goody. It works great on my end, but I still haven't had any friends with web cams online yet to try it out the verdict is still out. One little glitch that came into play is that USB port web cams are not actually compatible with ichat (which Miss Jenn got me hooked on). That was still no biggie since I mainly want this to chat with my sister and the kiddos, so we could easily use AIM or Yahoo Messenger...but just one quick google and I found a $10 plug-in that makes it work. I'm using the free trial to make sure I like it before purchasing, but it seems to be great so far.

Plus, we lost electricity in the city of Concord today. So, after about an hour of no computers, copiers, phones, or light, they sent us home!!! That was at 1:30 in the afternoon, what a super TREAT! I didn't think I'd have power at my apartment when I got home, but some sections of the city were restored very quickly and my block was one of those back up and running in no time! My friend Joanne carpools with her husband, so since she didn't have a car, she came to hang out with me. We set up the web cam, played around on itunes and best of all...enjoyed the beautiful weather we had here today and walked downtown. It was great exercise and a lot of fun! We even stopped in some cute shops too, but we were smart and left our purses at home. We are known to cause some damage to the wallet when shopping together!

Sorry for the lack of photos lately, I haven't had too many fun ones to share. But I should be back in action after this weekend, stay tuned.

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